Our Vision
To be recognised globally as an organisation that ensures heritage rail is valued and sustained.
Our Mission
Wattrain will:
Effectively represent heritage rail on global issues achieving outcomes optimal to the sector; and engage and support the sector across borders to facilitate the ongoing sustainability of the sector through the development of people, the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of information.
Our Objectives
- To facilitate the exchange of information amongst member organisations for their betterment;
- To promote, represent and act as an advocate for the Heritage and Tourist sector to ensure optimal outcomes in the international arena;
- To develop an internet-based information source to provide members with a full range of information relevant to their needs (Alexandria library);
- To assist development of the sector to facilitate exchange of individuals between members so they improve their understanding of the Heritage and Tourist operations especially at the request of members, to provide specific advice and information as a respected consultancy;
- To facilitate twinning arrangements between Heritage and Tourist operations to improve understanding;
- To create and develop a database of specialist suppliers of goods and services utilised by the Heritage and Tourist sector with a facility to access feedback;
- To gather and, where necessary, commission research into financial / economic benefits of operations, environmental and other important issues relevant to the sector;
- To negotiate on behalf of the sector arrangements for insurance and other key services or products to secure favourable terms as a result of bulk purchasing;
- At the request of members, to assist in formulation of policy positions and to assist where requested in the presentation of those positions to government and others; and to promote conservation on the basis of Riga Charter.
Our Values
- Persistent – we are committed to ensuring the sector is sustainable.
- Transparent – our activities are totally transparent and open for review at all times.
- Non-partisan – our organisation operates independently and is free from any political, religious or other affiliations.
- Culturally Considerate – we uphold and advocate the intrinsic importance of culture.
- Dynamic – we continuously innovate to meet the changing needs of our members.
- Respectful – we recognise that all members are unique and we value their differences.
- Passionate – we pursue our goals with passion, drive and an open heart.
Wattrain will fund its operations initially with loans from Directors and then from subscriptions. Once subscriptions received each year exceed USD2000 a budget will be adopted each year by the Directors. The budget will be monitored and amended as necessary.
Subscriptions paid by member organisations and individuals will be kept to a minimum.
Wattrain will not finance Board members’ travel and accommodation except in exceptional circumstances when such costs will be approved by the Board in advance.
Wattrain financial year is from 1st May until 30th April. Each year the accounts will be subject to “an independent examination” as required under English law. When this examination is concluded the accounts will be published on the website.